Our Welcome Center has a Snug Play System

By: Staff

Our Welcome Center has always been a great place to stop if you have a car full of kids and now our playground has a Snug Play System thanks to Explorations V Children’s Museum. ​

What is Snug Play?

The Snug Play System is a “play system powered by a child’s imagination”.  The system encourages social interaction, cooperation, inspires creativity, provides a learning resource and stimulates natural physical activity.

Snug Play System At Visitor Information Center

The modular play system lets children design and build structures straight from their imaginations. The system will be at the Visitor Information Center for a few months (probably through July) and will go back to the Lakeland museum in the fall.  We are excited to add it our outdoor play area for children alongside our playground and pavilion.

The Welcome Center

Our Welcome Center is located at 101 Adventure Court in Davenport and is open 7 days a week, from 8:00 a.m – 5:00 p.m. Read more about Central Florida’s Welcome Center.

Explorations V Children's Museum

Explorations V Children’s Museum

Explorations V Children’s Museum

The Children’s Museum is a hands-on, fun-filled adventure in learning for children and their families. Three floors of kid-powered exhibits and programs. Located at 109 N Kentucky Ave in Lakeland, Explorations V is open Monday – Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Museum Admission

  • Members & Children Under 2 – FREE
  • Children & Adults – $9.00
  • Seniors (65+), Teachers & Military Families (with ID) – $4.50
  • Access/EBT Cardholders with ID Maximum of 4 per card – $3.00
  • AAA – 10% off
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